Drilling water wells can be a huge and sometimes costly undertaking. Everyone looks forward to clean, fresh water flowing out of the kitchen sink, but over time deterioration of the casing and contamination can downgrade the quality of the well water. Whatever the reason, searching out new sites and drilling water wells is not a Sunday picnic.
There are websites that promote the do it your-self approach to drilling water wells, but what if you hit a rock layer using home designed equipment? Besides, do you really want to go back to the bucket and rope type of water well of the pioneers? Drilling water wells (or more correctly stated for the do-it-yourself enthusiast, digging water wells) was back breaking work way back then as it still is and now.
To dig a water well by hand, first the top soil and debris have to be removed. In coal mining that debris is called the overburden. There is a reason it is called the “overburden.” Digging away all that heavy top soil, roots and rocks can be over the limit of the burden you can bear. You dig for days and when you finally reach the astounding depth of eight feet, hurray! Success! Reward….you are up to your ankles in water! Digging under that deluge has now increased your burden over and above your endurance, especially when you try to lift your rubber boots out of the mire. Pull, pull, pull and voila… out comes the foot but not the boots. So you are forced to stick your foot in the mire and try to lift the boots out. Yes, those were the days. These days drilling water wells is best left to the professionals.
At American Water Surveyors we provide our clients with state of the art technology so the companies drilling water wells in your area will be equipped with the knowledge of exactly where to drill. Knowing depth and yield before you drill a water well can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Companies drilling water wells get paid whether they find water or not. Our water finding services cost far less than drilling test wells or dry wells. Don’t overburden yourself. Call American Water Surveyors today at 1-877-SEISMO1 (734-7661) or 1-817-788-5716 or email us at [email protected] to let us help you in your water sourcing needs.