Summary: Digging test wells can be an effective way to find ground water, but it can quickly drive up the costs of drilling for a well. Rather than relying on outdated techniques, American Water Surveyors can find ground water before you begin to drill.

Digging for a well is not an easy task, and neither is finding a source of ground water. Too often, individuals believe that digging dry wells is the only way to go about finding a proper water source, which leads to huge financial costs. American Water Surveyors offers our customers an alternative, keeping more money in your pocket.

Why Digging Dry Wells is Expensive

If you are under the impression that simply by digging a large enough hole in the ground, you will eventually hit water, think again. Too many people get sucked into digging dry wells because they are unsure of how to begin looking for ground water sources. Unfortunately for most homeowners and businesses that rely on well water, water well drillers get paid by the foot, regardless of whether or not they find water in the process. This can quickly add up, since you will be forced to keep digging until you find water, and then pay a landscaper to fix the ruin left behind in the wake of all of those dry wells. This is an expensive and time-consuming process that is used by many people who believe it is their only viable option. Water well drillers often depend on antiquated or guesswork methods to determine where water may be found, or rely solely on drilling experimental wells or exploratory test wells to find ground water. Fortunately, there is another option to digging dry wells, which will prove to be much more gentle to your wallet.

We Find Water Without Digging

American Water Surveyors is dedicated to being the premier service provider in the water finding industry. We use the world’s leading edge technology to measure ground water depths and yields, in order to assist homeowners, farmers, municipalities, real estate developers, water well drillers, and many other entities requiring well locating or completion planning. The transmissivity of water can be mapped from the surface, and yield is estimated in gallons per minute or liters per second. Gone are the days when people relied on water witches or dowsers to find water without digging! These individuals were simply “magicians,” claiming to have the divine powers of determining where to drill at a particular location. Our methods, in contrast, are rooted in science, as they are based on physics, not magic. Seismic surveying greatly reduces costs, as there is no premature drilling involved in finding water.

Who is American Water Surveyors?

American Water Surveyors is a company based in Fort Worth, Texas, but assists customers across the United States. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide our clients the service of finding groundwater depth, yields, and suitability, before the property owner undertakes any costly drilling. EKS technology has been used successfully for over 10 years to determine depth and flow of water. Our services are portable, meaning American Water Surveyors can come to you, no matter where you are located in America. We have completed over 640 ground water surveys in 22 states to date. Contact us today at 877-SEISMO1 (734-7661) to see how we can help you save money and find water.