When you think of getting water to drink, you probably think of getting your water from a tap. That is where we get most of our water—directly at least. But where does it come from before it comes to us from the tap? If you live in a rural community or on a farm or acreage, it probably comes from a well. Wells take advantage of natural groundwater, bringing it to the surface for you to use. Since wells rely on the presence and quality of water under the ground, there are some things you need to know about how a well works before you decide to dig one.


As mentioned, wells use water that is found underneath the ground. This water is usually found in water-bearing geological formations called “aquifers”. The water in aquifers is usually safe to drink, but like anything occurring in nature, it can be contaminated with dirt, chemicals or microorganisms. Aquifers also come in varying depths and in varying sizes, meaning that just because there is an aquifer on your property, it doesn’t necessarily meant you can use it for a well. American Water Surveyors can help you to determine the depth and quality of an aquifer before you commit to drilling.

Building a New Well

If you have determined that your aquifer is useable, there are some considerations to be made before you begin to drill. First, you need to acquire a permit. Wells use a pumping system to push or lift water up out of the ground and into your plumbing system. They are fitted with various seals and filtering mechanisms to keep your water clean and free from contaminants. A brand new well will not work at first, and will need to be “developed”, or have water forced through it, in order to establish water flow into your plumbing system.

Maintaining a Well

Once you’ve spent the time and money of getting a well drilled, you’ll need to maintain it. You shouldn’t try to service your well on your own; leave it to a professional who understands how your well works. Preventive maintenance will save you money, so make certain that you don’t neglect the care and maintenance required. Do regular checks on your screens, and take care to keep hazardous chemicals far away from your well. If you have concerns about your water quality, contact a professional to test your water.

Call American Water Surveyors

Well drillers are paid regardless of whether they find water or just empty rock. There is no point in drilling a dry well. American Water Surveyors can test the depth, quality and quantity of water on your property so that when you invest in a well, you know you will be getting your money’s worth. Contact us to find your best groundwater source and let us set up an appointment to assess your well’s potential before you start digging.Blog pic2.png