Blog pic2.pngWell drilling is still a widely used technique for tapping into fresh drinking water, even in the developed world. Lots of farms or rural homes rely on well water to supply their family and livestock with fresh, clean water. The interesting part is that the water table isn’t at a universal height/distance across the world. Depending on a variety of geographical variables, you may have to dig further, or not so much, to reach drinkable water.

What’s standard?

Most drinking wells range anywhere from 3-18 meters in depth. As mentioned, this entirely depends on the geography of any given area. It’s also important to note that you can’t simply drill down and find water anywhere. Drilling a successful well has to do with tapping into a natural aquifer – or a pocket of fresh water beneath the ground. Drilling a dry well, where no matter how much you dig you never hit water, is a possibility if you don’t do your research. Using a water surveying company is your best chance at discovering if you have a usable aquifer on your land that you can tap into, without drilling any costly dry or test wells.

Even deeper?

Yes, there are wells that go deeper than the standard. In fact, Mexico City is digging a mile deep well in order to access drinking water, claiming that many of their aquifers located closer to the surface have been polluted and are no longer salvageable. Although this is not norm, depending on your location, it is possible that you have a usable aquifer that simply exists at an extreme depth. Tapping into these aquifers and even finding them are jobs that calls for professional water surveyors.

Pressured aquifers

Not every aquifer is created equal. Some aquifers are found between layers of permeable rock such as shale or clay. In these situations, this cache of water is often pressurized. If you were tap such an aquifer regularly, water would literally explode up and out of your drilled well as it will naturally be forced out of its cavern by the high pressure it’s contained under. It is possible to drill these aquifers, but this requires a special approach. A well that would use this source of water is called an artesian well, and drilling one requires special equipment, know-how, and experience. It’s actually a lot like drilling for oil – with a giant explosive geyser once you hit it.

The moral of the story is that water can be found in aquifers at all sorts of depths. You may get lucky and be able to dig a shallower well, or you may find yourself seeking out drillers who specialize in extraordinary well depths. Who knows? Well, there are some people who will know. Water surveyors are specifically trained and experienced in located fresh water deposits underground. If you are looking to dig a new well, or simply discover if you have accessible fresh water under your land, contact American Water Surveyors. With our knowledge and expertise, you won’t waste time and money digging dry wells, and we can let you know if your waters location put you in a unique drilling situation or not.