Residents in the city and suburbs of Oklahoma City should be pleased to know their water supply has been deemed adequate for the next 50 years. This is also good news for Oklahoma well drillers.
Oklahoma well drillers tap into water supplied by the North Canadian River and the Canton, Atoka, and McGee Creek Reservoirs.
The North Canadian River is of particular interest. This river, which is a tributary of the Canadian River, starts east of Des Moines in New Mexico and follows a winding 710 km trek through the United States. Of the 440 mile river length, seven of those miles flow through Oklahoma City. This seven mile stretch was renamed the Oklahoma River in 2004. Seven miles out of 440 may seem like a small portion, but for Oklahoma well drillers, seepage from those seven miles of river contribute to Oklahoma City’s underground water supply.
Having an accessible water supply such as the Oklahoma River is beneficial in many ways. The most obvious and convenient is a supply of water for drinking, cooking and bathing. Additionally, having a ready supply of water for farming is incredibly beneficial to the city’s economy. The ability to provide local water for farm animals and agriculture keeps overhead and consumer costs to a minimum.
Oklahoma well drillers are responsible for making water accessible to farmlands in and around the City. However, despite the rich supply of groundwater, drillers may still produce a dry well. Without the services and technology of companies such as American Water Surveyors, even the most respected well drilling companies do not have the ability to foresee underground water locations or estimate the depth and yield of the well.
Oklahoma City is fortunate to enjoy such an abundant water supply and Oklahoma well drillers will be tapping into it for years to come. Despite this seemingly endless supply of water, the best way to save money and to prevent drilling a dry well is to call American Water Surveyors to locate the source of your ground water, which will enable you to tell your well drillers precisely where you want them to drill. . Contact a professional consultant today. 877-734-7661