During the year 2011, Oklahoma experienced a large increase of inquiries regarding water usage. There was also a substantial increase of licensing for Oklahoma well drillers. This is attributed, somewhat, towards the drought conditions experienced state-wide as water shortages were higher in 2011 than during the 2006 drought. Inquiries ranged from ranch owners to oil and gas producers. Water affects everybody in more ways than we realize. Water is a product that we too often take for granted. Without water, we could not survive.
When an infant is born, 80% of their weight is water. By adulthood, 70% of their volume is this precious fluid. By the time a human feels thirsty; they have lost 1% of their total water.
In 2011, there were 394 licensed installer firms, up by 19 from the previous year and 696 licensed Oklahoma well drillers, up 63 from 2010. There were 2693 water wells and 1846 monitor wells and/or geotechnical borings completed during 2011. The increase in water drilling, combined with the decrease in water supply, brings to fact that in these days, water is more important than ever.
Oklahoma well drillers are a specialized trade. They become licensed in their field to focus on this unique trade. They help to provide the water that we need both for our daily living and in some cases, our employment. To be able to work in this trade, Oklahoma well drillers must become licensed by passing a written exam. They learn to read the landscape to predict where water may be before drilling a well. As you can imagine, drilling a well is not a cheap endeavour, a dry well can be a costly mistake. Predicting the best spot to drill a well has been comprised of educated and calculated guesswork.
If you are having a well drilled, for any reason at all you will want to be able to reach this precious resource for as small a cost as is possible. You want an effective job without tripling your cost. There is a way to do this. American Water Surveyors is a company that uses high tech equipment to accurately predict water from the surface level. In addition to showing the best spot to drill, we can also show you how much water that well will yield in gallons per minute. This eliminates the need for guesswork and will save you thousands of dollars from drilling in the wrong area. Oklahoma well drillers charge for each foot drilled; you will want to ensure that your drilling location is accurate and precise – not an educated guess.
If you are planning on drilling, take the time to give us a call. The combined use of technology along with company experience will be the one choice you will never regret. You can save thousands by accurately mapping your drill location, prior to your drill. Call us before you drill! Know your location and water yield before you start on your site. American Water Surveyors, combined with Oklahoma well drillers, may be the best combination you can hire this year.
Phone: 877-SEISMO1 (734-7661)
Phone: 817-788-5716
[email protected]