drilling rigThe Timing

The best time to drill a well is when the property is still a vacant lot. That said, not everyone has the luxury of doing so, but if you are thinking of building a new house or cottage, make sure you drill your well before you start construction. That way, if the driller has to relocate the well or experiences any problems while drilling, the hassle of dealing with those issues will be far less than if the driller has to navigate around an already-built structure. If you are purchasing or inheriting a house, however, make sure you do your research before you go ahead and drill, as not doing so can cost you a lot of money and time.

Plan Ahead

Before you decide to drill a well, it is crucial that you consult with a land surveyor, and spend some time assessing your land and its potential for a well. While there are no guarantees that your well will tap into a surplus of fresh groundwater, there are ways to determine where groundwater is most likely to exist.

First, you should obtain detailed records about your property from your local archive, which can be accessed online. These records will provide you with topographic and geologic information, and will also be able to help you determine whether or not a well has previously been dug on your land, and to what degree of success.

Second, you should have a scientific groundwater survey conducted. Is it worth the cost? Absolutely! Not only are groundwater surveys affordable, they actually save you money in the long run. Well drillers are paid by the foot and if they don’t hit water, too bad for you. You still have to pay (and you have a big hole on your property to contend with). Since well drilling is expensive, you want to make sure your drillers know where to drill. You also want to know the yield and depth of your potential well. Sure, you may be able to guess where the water is, but do you want a shallow, inefficient well? That is a waste of money and will cause you problems for years, not to mention what a bad well does to your property value. When you call in the professional groundwater surveyors to find water, you are setting up your well drillers, and your well, for success.

Thus, pre-planning is one of the best things you can do when it comes to well drilling.

Need a Groundwater Survey?

For more information on the best times and conditions to drill a well, or to book a groundwater survey, e-mail American Water Surveyors at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at www.wefindwater.com or call us at 877-SEISMOI (734-7661). We are more than happy to respond to all of your inquiries and we look forward to hearing from you.