Summary: Locating a good well site location is much more affordable and reliable than it has been in the past. Due to advancements in technology, water witching and drilling dry test wells will soon become a thing of the past. American Water Surveyors will find a good well site location, faster than you thought possible.

Do you live in an area that requires you to have a well in order to access clean drinking water? A large number of people rely on wells to access clean water, as only big cities and densely populated areas have piped water. What a lot of people don’t know is the best way to find a water source, before digging a new well. Rather than blindly attempting to find water, American Water Surveyors will show you how to find a good well site location.

Ineffective Groundwater Location Methods

When it comes to locating a good well site location, there are many individuals who will try to sell you on a method that is not particularly effective. More often than not, people assume that drilling test wells is the best way to go about finding a good spot. Unfortunately, blindly drilling test wells can quickly become an expensive and time-consuming feat. Although in most cases drilling is effective, it often ends up being a costly exploration method. In order to avoid the unnecessary expense of drilling without first locating a source of water, there are others who may try to convince you to hire a “water witch.”

Water witching is probably the only form of magic still believed in by a large proportion of the adult population. You’ve likely seen or read about these water witches or “dowsers,” as they were traditionally used to locate groundwater. These individuals hold a Y-shaped twig or metal rods in both hands, with a single branch or rod facing outwards. The diviner walks over the ground where the well water is most likely to be found, and if the twig or rod suddenly wavers or drops down, the water source is reputed to be below. Unfortunately, these people are simply “magicians” who want you to believe that they have the divine powers of determining where to drill for water.

Finding Water Before You Dig a Well

Fortunately, science has come a long way and can now provide you with a third option for finding groundwater, which is much more reliable and affordable than the methods of the past. American Water Surveyors uses the world’s leading-edge technology to measure groundwater depths and yields. Our methods are based upon physics, not magic. Advanced seismoelectric survey instruments allow us to detect water, as well as the depth and its anticipated yield, without drilling a test well. Geology, water tables, and area water well logs are all considered when mapping out potential groundwater sources.

Seismic exploration can actually see the fluids in rock and soil, drastically reducing the need to drill test wells as an exploration method. The transmissivity of water can be mapped from the surface, and yield can be estimated in gallons per minute or liters per second.

Best of all, the portability of the equipment we use for finding water allows us to travel anywhere in the United States to help our clients with their Texas well water, Oklahoma water wells, well drilling in New Mexico, or their private wells in Colorado.

Call American Water Surveyors today at 1-877-SEISMO1 (734-7661) to obtain a very affordable quote for our services. By comparing the cost of one dry test well to the cost of our services, you will see how affordable finding a good well site location can be!