Summary: Finding water during a drought is even more difficult than usual, yet incredibly necessary. Rather than spending thousands of dollars digging for water that you don’t know is there or not, have American Water Surveyors conduct a groundwater survey, before you begin to drill.

Droughts occur all across the country and when they do, they have a severe impact on a large portion of the population. Whether you live in the city or in a more rural location, drought can affect your water supply.

Drilling Deeper During Droughts

During a drought, there is a much higher chance of your water well running dry. This is because more water is being pumped out of the well than what is coming in. Due to the dry weather, the water table will fall further below the surface, as it’s not being replenished by regular rainfall. In order to solve this issue, many people choose to deepen their wells in an attempt to reach a more reliable water supply. The main concern when it comes to this solution is that you are not guaranteed to hit water when you dig further. A deeper, properly constructed well has many benefits. If you do hit water, your water source will be protected from surface contamination, including fertilizers and spills. Also, if you do experience drought, it will take a lot longer to hit your water table. If you choose to combat drought by digging a deeper well, you can save money by ensuring that you have a good groundwater source beneath your well before you start to dig.

Call on American Water Surveyors to Find Water

Even if you are extending an existing well, there is no guarantee that you are going to hit water when you begin digging. Unfortunately, water well drillers get paid by the foot, whether they find water or not. Before you spend hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars on a well that does not produce results, call upon American Water Surveyors. We are able to find water before drilling! Best of all, our water finding services cost much less than drilling test wells or dry wells. We use the world’s leading edge technology to measure groundwater depths and yields, assisting everyone – from ranchers and farmers to real estate developers and municipalities. The transmissivity of water can be mapped from the surface, and yield can be estimated in gallons per minute or liters per second.

Although drilling is an effective exploration method, it is very costly. In the early 20th century, the modern oil industry grew from using drilling to using seismic surveying as its principal exploration method. Seismic surveying reduces exploration costs tenfold, which is why oil exploration and development companies rapidly grew richer. Now, American Water Surveyors has used the same technology to improve upon traditional water finding methods. Antiquated water finding techniques involve water witches, armed with rods or sticks. If you’d like to drill for water during a drought, we can effectively locate groundwater supplies in advance of drilling by using science. Our methods are based upon physics, not magic. We have completed over 640 groundwater surveys across 22 states, including Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Montana. Contact us at [email protected] or at 1-877-SEISMO1 to see how seismoelectrics can help you find water, even during a period of drought.