Well water is often taken for granted. Water is a resource that we cannot live without, but in most developed regions, little thought is given to where it comes from and the longevity of that water supply. From the moment we wake up, until we are fast asleep at night, we use water in one form or another, but how good is your knowledge about the water you use?

Test yourself with these trivia questions:Blog pic3

If you drank eight glasses of water per day from a tap, what would the average cost per year be?

Answer: Approximately $0.40.

If you drank eight glasses of water per day from bottle, what would the average cost per year be?

Answer: Approximately $1400.

How much water is leaked by the New York water system daily?

Answer: Approximately 36 million gallons.

What were the first water pipes in the United States made from?

Answer: Wood.

If you combined the water pipes and aqueducts in Canada and the United States, how many miles long would these systems be?

Answer: Approximately 1 million miles, enough to circle the earth 40 times.

What is one way to determine if a chicken egg is fresh or stale?

Answer: A fresh egg with sink in water. A stale egg with float in water.

What temperature does water freeze?

Answer: 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature does water evaporate?

Answer: 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is frozen water lighter than liquid water?

Answer: Yes, 9% lighter, this is why ice floats.

What room in a house uses the most water?

Answer: Your bathroom. It uses almost 50% of the daily household water consumption.

Which liquid can dissolve the most substances?

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Answer: Water dissolves the most substances, surpassing even sulphuric acid. This shows the full effect of pollutants contaminating our water supplies.

Where does one quarter of the bottled water come from?

Answer: From municipal services, the same place as tap water in urban areas.

What three forms is water naturally found in?

Answer: Solid, liquid and gas. Water is the only substance in the world found naturally in all three forms.

How many gallons of water does the average household use per day?

Answer: Over 100 gallons.

How much water does a dairy cow need to drink in order to produce one gallon of milk?

Answer: Four gallons.

How much water does it take to produce one ton of steel?

Answer: Approximately 62,000 gallons.

As you can see, water affects us daily. Even if you are not using water at an exact moment, chances are that you are using a product that needed water to be manufactured or produced.

Many Americans in rural areas have their own water supply. American Water Surveyors uses expert knowledge and technology to locate underground water sources and estimate the depth and yield of the supply, ensuring that homeowners never dig (and pay for) a dry well. Contact us today if you have a well to dig. One call saves you time, headaches and money.