Summary: American Water Surveyors takes the guesswork out of determining whether your potential golf course site has access to a reliable groundwater resource. Protect yourself from a lack of suitable water by having a groundwater survey conducted on your property before any digging commences.
The quality of a golf course is often defined by the landscape, but maintaining the landscape is difficult due to economic and environmental strains. Water is critical to the day-to-day operations of a golf course. Without a suitable water source, the property isn’t able to sustain the long-term health of their course and this can have a huge impact on overall client satisfaction and revenue. Today we will discuss how golf developers can determine the quality and management of the water they need to run the course.
Create A Water Budget
How much water is needed each year to keep the turf of your golf course healthy? Does your golf facility use water efficiently, and can you prove it? If you were unable to answer these questions than you need to create a water budget! The only way you can efficiently manage your golf course’s resources is to measure the use and consumption of them. A water budget allows you to estimate the amount of water needed to irrigate the golf course each month, and this estimate can be used as a benchmark to compare future water use too. As monthly water-use data is tracked, you can get a proper indication of the efficiency of your golf course’s irrigation system. This will allow you to find more innovative solutions for water optimization that will not only save you money, but also protect the environment. Regulators, water district personnel, golf course officials, and other entities will also want access to water use documentation, so it is important to keep track of it.
Call A Water Finding Company
After the creation of your water budget, and before the development of your golf course, you need determine whether or not a potential site has a reliable water source. One of the most common limitations that restricts the development of golf courses is the lack of suitable water. Instead of trying to guess whether or not a potential golf course site has an adequate water supply, a water finding company will accurately determine if groundwater is available and whether or not it will yield the required volume for your golf course. Hiring a water finding company will help you avoid purchasing a site that is dry or has low-quality groundwater; planning ahead saves you time and money. In areas where the protection of land or groundwater quality is critical due to soil type, surface groundwater, or other factors, a golf course is required to have a plan that prevents potential adverse impacts.
Contact American Water Surveyors Today
Make sure that your golf course has continuous access to a fresh and clean groundwater by contacting American Water Surveyors today. We are dedicated to being the premier service provider in the water finding industry. We map the transmissivity of water from the surface and estimate yield in gallons per minute or liters per second. We ensure that your groundwater resource is suitable for all of your needs. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-877-SEISMO1 (734-7661) to find out more.