Drilling a well isn’t just about drilling until you hit water—there are a lot more variables involved than you might expect. That’s why it’s so important to call a water surveyor before you start to dig, but let’s take a look at five of the most critical variables the best water surveyors should be helping you account for before you invest your money into your brand-new well.

  • Capacity and Flow Rates

As mentioned above, there are a lot of variables involved in drilling a functioning well. One of the more important variables involves sourcing the right capacity of water to meet the demands of your property. That means calculating the depth of the well, the size of the pipe and pump, and any water table fluctuations that might interfere with the flow rates or quality of water during any part of the year, and then corresponding that information to an accurate estimation of the amount of water demand on a day-to-day basis. Your well drilling company should be able to help you with the figures, but a water surveying company will help you source the right water supply to meet your demands, and determine the well depth you are going to need to hit to ensure this water supply remains consistent.

  • Future Capacity

Your well drilling company should ask you questions about your future plans to ensure the capacity of the well can be scaled to any increases in water demand that might arise due to renovations or business expansions, for instance. However, you don’t just need to take into consideration your own future plans. A water surveyor can help you determine whether any future plans set in motion by your City or Township will interfere with your future water supply. For instance, large construction projects might involve blasting, which could impact the water table. A proper water survey can help you anticipate future water table issues.

  • Geological Features

Not all water tables are the same. There are different types of sediment patterns that can feature around your drill site. Knowing the geological features you are about to drill into can ensure you have not only the right equipment for drilling, but also the right well infrastructure to ensure the best capacity from your well.

  • Water Quality Indicators

Capacity isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about when you drill your well. You also need to ensure that your water quality is safe for consumption—otherwise you could end up with a beautiful capacity of expensive, non-potable water. A water surveyor can assess your property to determine if harmful chemicals or sediments could be seeping into your potential water source. They’ll assess proximity to highways, farms, and landfills to account for runoff and contamination seepage.

  • Historical Land Use Records

It isn’t enough to consider your future well’s proximity to current risk factors; you also need to account for historic property use. For instance, drilling a well on a site that used to host gas or oil tanks could be an issue. As could drilling through a former landfill.

For all of these potential issues, calling a water surveyor first can save you the cost, effort, and potential health risks involved in drilling your well in the wrong spot.